World body commemorates 1994 Rwandan genocide day

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 15th April. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Friday said that the hate speech is an alarm bell the louder it rings, the greater the threat of genocide, as the world body commemorated the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

Mr. Guterres said “We are together to mourn the more than one million children, women, and men who perished in 100 days of horror 29 years ago,”.

“We pay tribute to the resilience of the survivors [and] recognize the journey of the Rwandan people towards healing, restoration, and reconciliation. And we remember with shame – the failure of the international community. The failure to listen and the failure to act.”

General Assembly unanimously adopted the Genocide Convention in 1948, which defines genocide as a crime under international law.

“The killings did not start spontaneously,” Mr. Guterres said.

“They were carefully planned long in advance and executed deliberately and systematically; it was premeditated murder in broad daylight.”

A generation since the genocide, “we must never forget the dangers posed by the fragility of civility in all societies; it precedes and promotes violence”, he cautioned.

He said that the hate and propaganda that paved the path to genocide in Rwanda was broadcast on TV, printed in newspapers, and blasted over radio.

“Today, the megaphones of hate are even bigger,” he said.

He noted that across the internet, incitement to violence, vicious lies and conspiracies, genocide denial and distortion, and the demonization of “the other”, proliferate with little to no checks.

Mr. Guterres called for stronger guardrails, clearer responsibilities, and greater transparency in the digital world

He said the launch of the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech provides a framework for support to countries to counter this scourge while respecting freedom of expression and opinion.

“Today, I call on all Member States to become parties to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide without delay, and I call on all States to back their commitments with action,” he stated.

“Together, let us stand firm against rising intolerance,” he added. “Let us truly honour the memory of all Rwandans who perished by building a future of dignity, security, justice, and human rights for all.”

GA President Csaba Kőrösi said the genocide was not an accident, but rather, it stemmed from years of fomenting a racist ideology and waging a campaign aimed at the systematic destruction of a population. As it was carried out, the world was silent.

“We were silent despite repeated and unmistakable early warnings about the preparation of genocide,” he said. “To this unconscionable inaction, we must say ‘never again’.”

He said with strength and determination of the people of Rwanda have rebuilt their nation from the ashes of devastation. Today, the success of these endeavors is seen everywhere.

SG pointed to gender parity in the lower house of Parliament, the vibrancy of Rwandan innovation, the resilience of its economy, and in the strength of its health care system.

“Importantly, Rwanda has invested in its young people, opening opportunities for those under 20 years old – who represent half of its dynamic population,” he said.

“Rwandans have built a nation that looks towards a better future. May we in the General Assembly do the same,” he added.

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