UNICEF calls to support children in Greece wildfires

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 31st Aug. UNICEF on Wednesday called for urgent assistance for children caught up in wildfires in Greece, considered to be the worst in Europe.

According to news reports the deadly fires that began across the country in July fuelled by record temperatures and high winds, have so far claimed 27 lives, including two children both asylum seekers.

They were 18 bodies discovered by Greek authorities on 22 August in the national forest of Dadia, in the northeast, reportedly all asylum seekers. A 19th body was found last Thursday.

As of the end of 2022, 86,600 refugees and asylum seekers have been sheltering in Greece, with refugees from Ukraine accounting for around 25 per cent.

Ghassan Khalil, UNICEF Representative in the Mediterranean nation said that children have been the hardest hit by the disaster.

“They have lost their homes, families have lost their livelihoods, and some have lost their lives. Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with all those affected and all those responding.”

Many children are suffering health issues, especially due to the air pollution caused by the blaze.

UNICEF is working with authorities and humanitarian partners to support children and their families, providing them with medical supplies, essential items and psychosocial support.

According to media reports, the risk of new fires or the rapid spread of existing ones  is anticipated to remain high over the next 48 hours.

The flames have destroyed over 155,000 hectares of forests, farmlands and urban land so far, an area twice the size of New York City, and affected over 100,000 people, including around 30,000 children.

UNICEF noted that as flames moved toward a medical facility in northern Greece, 11 newborns were among patients in intensive care who have had to be moved to a makeshift hospital on a boat.

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