UNGA holds emergency special session on Palestine, draft resolution voted

By Anjali Sharma

UNITED NATIONS – Philémon Yang, President of the General Assembly on Tuesday took the gavel and  called to order the resumed 10th emergency special session.

Philémon Yang said “it is incumbent on the General Assembly and the Security Council to bring to an end the unlawful presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

He said that the rule of law and justice must be upheld before introducing the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to introduce the draft resolution that would do so if adopted.

World body resumed its 10th emergency special session on the issue of Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Palestine has introduced a draft resultion that demands an end to the occupation with in one year, co sponsored by dozens of the Member States.

General Assembly on Tuesday “demands an immediate humanitarian ceasefire; reiterates its demand that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the protection of civilians; and demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as ensuring humanitarian access”.

The General Assembly has resumed its 10th emergency special session on the issue of Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. 

 Palestine has introduced a draft resolution that demands an end to the occupation within one year. Member States are debating now and will vote on it later in the session.

The Assembly has resumed the emergency special session at 3p and will reconvene at 3pm

The draft demands that Israel end its occupation within one year.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that her country has worked with determination to support a comprehensive peace agreement what would permanently resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict.

“There is no other path that both guarantees Israel’s security and future as a democratic Jewish State and ensures Palestinians can live in peace and dignity in a State of their own,” she said.

“Consistent with this position, we have long opposed unilateral measures that undermine the prosect of a two-State solution, that includes the advancement of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and it includes the resolution that the Palestinian delegation has put before us today.”

She noted that the US has been clear about its policy concerns over Israel’s settler programme and that it is inconsistent with international law.

“We maintain firm opposition to settlement expansion, which in our judgment only weakens Israel’s security,” she said.

She added that the US respects the important role of the ICJ in peaceful settlement of disputes and in advising the General Assembly:

“However, adoption of a one-sided resolution that selectively interprets the substance of the ICJ’s opinion does not advance what we all want to see progress towards two States living in peace, side by side.”

Algerian Ambassador Amar Bendjama said today’s meeting is a “stark reminder” of the importance of multilateral action.

“The occupying power openly denies the rights of the Palestinian people and seeks to undermine the establishment of their State,” he said.

He emphasized that the historic ICJ advisory opinion challenges the Israeli occupation narrative and exposes its apartheid policies.

The draft Palestine has submitted is historic in its own right, another victory on the path to its full membership at the United Nations. Indeed, the draft provides a road map to end the occupation.

“Today, we must be united in support of the Palestinian people,” he said.

He urged all Member States to vote in favour of the draft.

Syrian Ambassador to the UN Koussay Aldahhak spoke on behalf of the Arab Group strongly condemned the “barbaric Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip and the West Bank” that has led to the killing, injury and disappearance of 145,000 Palestinians.

“The occupying power wouldn’t have persisted in these practices if it weren’t for the unlimited support provided by the United States and some of its allies,” he added.

He reaffirmed his “full support to the brotherly Palestinian people in facing the Israeli killing machinery and in their struggle to end the occupation and to enjoy their inalienable established rights”, including the right to its own independent State and to be granted full UN membership.

He called for the implementation of the ICJ’s advisory opinion on the matter and of related UN resolutions that would put an end to this “genocidal war”.

“We call for holding the occupying power accountable for their practices and to ensure that they are not repeated”, which would drag the Middle East into an escalating conflict that threatens regional and international peace and security, he concluded.

Egyptian envoy to the UN Osama Mahmoud Abdelkhalek Mahmoud said that the Israeli occupation with its settlements and extremist settlers “would not be viable”, if countries that respect international law and the ICJ’s legal opinion decided to boycott Israel and end cooperation.

“Putting an end to the occupation and deterring Israel’s hostile behaviour against the Palestinian people is an urgent necessity to maintain international security and what remains of regional stability,” he said.

“Israel has gone too far, and its aggression against the United Nations itself has killed more than 220 UN staff members, as it continues to adopt a law that would criminalise UNRWA and consider it a terrorist organization.”

He added that this is an unprecedented action, where a UN body is labelled as “terrorist.”

Ambassador noted also the devastation in Gaza and humanitarian crisis due to the ongoing Israeli military offensive.

Pakistani representative to the UN Munir Akram emphasized that the reason for the emergency session was to “translate into action”, the advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice in July.

“The ICJ’s conclusions emphasize that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, and its attempts to prolong the occupation and its security policies, violate two basic principles of International law the right of peoples to self-determination, and the principle of non-acquisition of territory by the use of force,” he said.

“Pakistan has co-sponsored the draft resolution, presented with its enhanced rights by the State of Palestine, which seeks to implement the conclusions of the ICJ,” he added.

He noted that the “tragic history” of Palestine and its people was caused by a series of legal and political decisions “imposed by colonial and imperial powers”, including the partition of Palestine despite the opposition of Arab and Islamic nations.

Mr. Akram said that Pakistan’s founding leader, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, warned in 1948 that Israel’s creation would have grave consequences and now “history is witness to these consequences,”.

“A brutal occupation which has lasted 50 years, the steady acquisition of Palestinian lands, properties and homes to accommodate illegal and aggressive Jewish settlers. The imposition of a segregated apartheid rule in occupied Palestine.”

Cameroon Ambassador to the UN Tommo Monthe spoke as chair of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation said the group finds it “deeply regrettable” that a worsened death toll and an increase in displacement followed the call for a ceasefire in Gaza in March this year.

“Israel must end its unlawful presence, cease settlement activities, evacuate settlers, provide reparation, and Member States and international organizations should not recognise or aid Israel’s illegal action on the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” he said.

He reiterated the UN’s call for political and legal pressure to be used to end the “crimes against humanity” happening in Gaza.

Tommo Monthe said that it is “high time that practical measures be taken to end Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine.”

He called Member States to “exert diplomatic, political and legal pressure and take necessary deterrent measures to stop the crimes against humanity”.

Uganda delivered remarks on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, and Syria, on behalf of the Arab Group.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said despite the unprecedented terror unleashed upon Israel by Hamas on 7 October 2023, the General Assembly remains silent. It continues to pass “one-sided resolutions against Israel”.

“Jewish blood is not cheap,” he said. “Never again will we stand by when our people are massacred.”

He said the draft ignores the truth and any mention Hamas, including the 7 October terrorist attacks, adding that the process to table it has been politicised.

“This resolution is diplomatic terrorism.” he said.

He noted that over 150 resolutions have been adopted at the UN against Israel.

Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riayad Mansour said this session is the first time since his delegation has addressed the Assembly from the podium since the world body bestowed new additional rights and privileges on the State of Palestine.

“I am so honoured to do that for the first time in the General Assembly. I am so tall, I go beyond the ceiling of the General Assembly,” he said to applause after which he introduced the draft resolution.

Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the Observer State of Palestine, introduced the draft resolution, which has been co-sponsored by more than two dozen nations.

“Palestine is an important part of universal history and the Palestinian people are an integral part of humanity. Neither our country nor our people will disappear,” he said.

“But, that is no excuse for ignoring the existential threat they are facing,” he added, noting that despite the suffering and oppression they face, “their spirit remains free”.

He stressed that the Palestinian people have been steadfast in the pursuit of their inalienable rights, just like all other citizens worldwide who seek self-determination.

“The Palestinians want to live, not survive they want to be safe in their homes, they want their children to go to school without fear. They want to be free in reality as they are in spirit.”

Iranian Ambassador to the UN, Amir Saeid Iravani said that despite resolutions reiterating the need to address the dire humanitarian needs of Palestinians and recognition of their rights, there have been “no positive changes” in Israeli policies.

“This has resulted in] Palestinians being left with no choice but to resist the massive destructive attacks by Israeli forces and armed settlers against their homeland and people, including women and children,” he said.

“We are witnessing impressive resistance by our Palestinian brothers and sisters in the face of the horrific invasion and bombardment by Israeli forces, backed by a few specific countries,” he added.

He recalled the advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice in July, stressing that, as per the order, Israel is under an obligation to cease its unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territory and stop all settlement activity there immediately.

It should also withdraw all settlers and compensate all natural and legal persons in the occupied Palestinian territory for damage that the occupation has caused, he added.

Lebanese envoy to the UN Hadi Hachem said his delegation is at the “top of the list” supporting this draft resolution and the State of Palestine.

He stressed that the historic ICJ decision the unlawful nature of Israel’s occupation and the need to put an end to the illegal presence in Palestinian territory.

However, even if the Assembly adopts this draft, he wondered if Israel would respect and implement it.

On attacks against southern Lebanon by Israel, he said such strikes are also violating international law. Indeed, the cyberattack launched hours ago in Lebanon, which killed at least eight people and injured several thousand others, could amount to a war crime, he stressed.

He stressed that the key to the solution is to put an end to hostile acts against Lebanon by fully implementing resolution 1701.

Hadi Hachem added that, days away from the Summit of the Future.

He hoped that event would bring about a fairer world, including an emphasis on the importance of ICJ decisions and of Israel in abiding by international law.

Ambassador of South Africa tro the UN called on those with influence on Israel to “exert real pressure” to stop the bloodshed of the nearly year-long war.

He said that enabling Israel to act with impunity and violate ICJ orders is undermining the court and international law.

Ambassador addied that the advisory opinion that had been the basis of this draft resolution serves as a reminder that the world cannot condone the ongoing carnage in Gaza.

He said that this resolution seeks to put in place some countermeasures and called on Member States to halt weapons transfers to Israel so as to maintain the current unlawful situation and urging Member States to vote in favour of the draft resolution.

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