Russian forces control a ‘portion’ of Ukraine’s Severodonetsk region

*Paromita Das
The Russian Army has already taken control of a portion of Ukraine’s eastern city of Severodonetsk and is gradually making its way towards the city’s center.

“Unfortunately, the Russian army already controls a portion of Severodonetsk. They [the Russians] reported a few days ago that they had already taken control of the entire city. This is not the case; our men are present in the city. The Russians are unable to move freely “CNN cited Serhiy Hayday, the head of the Luhansk regional military administration.

According to Hayday, the Russians do not control the Lysychansk-Bakhmut route but are shelling near it.
According to CNN, the Norwegian Refugee Council stated that up to 12,000 civilians are still trapped and in need of aid in the eastern Ukrainian city of Severodonetsk, where Russian troops are advancing.

“I am horrified to see Severodonetsk, the thriving city where we had our operational headquarters, become the epicentre of yet another chapter of Ukraine’s brutal war,” said Norwegian Refugee Council Secretary-General Jan Egeland.

“We fear that up to 12,000 civilians are still trapped in the city’s crossfire, with no access to water, food, medicine, or electricity. The near-constant bombardment is forcing civilians to seek refuge in bomb shelters and basements, leaving few options for those attempting to flee.” Secretary-General added.
According to Egeland, the city’s increased fighting has made it impossible to deliver aid. “We can’t save lives under grenade fire,” he added.

The UNHCR urged “conflict parties to immediately allow all humanitarian organisations access to Severodonetsk with lifesaving assistance and to allow safe evacuations of civilians who wish to leave the city.”

On February 24, Russia began its military operation in Ukraine. This large-scale operation is said to have caused a humanitarian crisis, prompting Western countries to impose crippling sanctions on Moscow’s high-profile individuals and companies.


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