Ari Alvi calls for united fight against poverty, malnutrition

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau
Pakistani President Arif Alvi on Monday noted that 26 million children in Pakistan remain out of school, in his remarks at the event.

Arif Alvi has called on the nation to work together to fight the challenges of poverty, malnutrition, maternal and neonatal deaths.

He said China focused on the health and education sectors, which helped the country lift 800 million people out of poverty, added that Pakistan should follow the same development model.

Arif highlighted the role of women in the country’s growth, Alvi said that the provision of health and education facilities to them is an important element in achieving the goal of women empowerment in Pakistan.

He underscored the importance of providing a safe working environment to women in order to include them in the workforce and make them contribute to the economic growth of Pakistan.

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