BJP Envisions Bharat as a Global Digital Powerhouse

Paromita Das 

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 29th May.The glaring differences between the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Congress in their stances on technology and human rights are an ignored part of this election. The country’s socioeconomic structure and governing philosophy may be affected by this academically significant difference. The BJP’s platform is mostly focused on technology, with the goal of making it the cornerstone of progress in the future.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) presents an ambitious plan to utilize advanced technology in multiple areas under the “Modi ki Guarantee for Technology and Innovations” chapter. There’s no denying the party’s dedication to technical innovation—from using AI to preserve languages to using drones in fisheries. A vision of Bharat as a worldwide digital powerhouse is emphasized by initiatives like the National Quantum Mission, developing grapheme-based programs, and extending 5G and introducing 6G technology. But the strong emphasis on technology begets serious questions about why privacy and rights aren’t given the same priority. Although the BJP manifesto is full of technology answers, it is noticeably devoid of any discussion of how these developments would protect citizens’ rights and privacy.

This is a huge omission in an era where data privacy is of utmost importance. In light of the tech boom, the manifesto makes no mention of how the current data protection rules will be amended or enforced to better protect people’s privacy. This disparity raises concerns because it may indicate a failure to strike a balance between the advancement of technology and fundamental civil liberties. The Congress manifesto, in sharp contrast, adopts a more balanced stance and places a strong emphasis on a framework based on rights. Although it recognizes the role that technology plays in promoting economic expansion and job development, its main focus is on upholding and expanding human rights. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act will be enforced, intellectual property rights will be respected and domestic helpers and gig workers will have legal protection. In order to avoid surveillance and intrusion by the government, the party also seeks to reform the Digital Personal Data Protection Act.

Although it is never certain that technical developments won’t supersede individual rights, Congress’s approach implies a commitment to socioeconomic equity and legal safeguards. In order to promote an inclusive society, the party’s manifesto emphasizes the significance of tackling structural problems including discrimination against women and defending the rights of religious minorities. The ideological divide between the two parties is reflected in the diversity of these manifestos.

Though progressive, the BJP’s focus on technological solutions runs the risk of overshadowing important human rights concerns. Though less technologically ambitious, Congress’s rights-centric agenda emphasizes social and legal structures. The future for Bharat needs to strike a balance between these two strategies. Without a doubt, advancement in technology is essential for both economic expansion and worldwide viability. These, though, have to be pursued without sacrificing the defense of private property and individual rights. Stable and equitable growth can be ensured by a well-balanced approach that combines strong rights-based guarantees with innovative technology.

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