Centre Amends Surrogacy Rules Allowing Donor Gametes for Married Couples

GG News Bureau
New Delhi, 23rd Feb. 
The Indian government has made amendments to the Surrogacy Rules 2022, permitting married couples to utilize donor eggs or sperm in cases where one partner suffers from a medical condition.

According to the notification issued on Wednesday, the District Medical Board must certify the medical condition of either spouse necessitating the use of donor gametes.

The amendment allows surrogacy using donor gametes if the District Medical Board confirms the medical need. However, it mandates that the child born through surrogacy must have at least one gamete from the intending couple.

However, if both partners face medical issues preventing them from using their own gametes, they are ineligible for surrogacy.

Additionally, single women, including widows or divorcees, undergoing surrogacy must use their own eggs and donor sperm.

This amendment follows petitions to the Supreme Court from women across the country after a landmark decision allowing surrogacy with a donor egg for a woman with a rare congenital disorder. The government had previously banned the use of donor gametes for couples intending to undergo surrogacy in March 2023.

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