China Perceives India’s Strength, as India Launches Economic and Armed Strikes Against China

GG News Bureau

Gwalior, 16th September. The world does not recognize the importance of argument, but rather the power of argument. This power theory is universally acceptable in every domain of business. To advance a country’s national interest in the geopolitical game, its words must be backed up by significant ground action. Similarly, China previously threatened India with border aggression. They built dual-use villages, military camps, and other infrastructure along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), putting India’s territorial sovereignty at risk. However, after India’s disproportionate response in both Doklam and Galwan, China recognized the power argument. Furthermore, after India launched an economic war, the Dragon appeared to be speaking the language of peace and abandoning its aggression against the nation.

Disengagement near the Ladakh Flash Point

Following the failure of 15 rounds of disengagement talks, China has now agreed to withdraw its troops from the Gogra-Hotsprings (PP-15) area in a coordinated and planned manner. In accordance with the 16th round of talks scheduled for September 8th, 2022, India and China verified the withdrawal of troops from Patrolling Point 15 in the Gogra-Hot Springs area of Eastern Ladakh.

The Hindu reported, citing official sources, that “both sides have completed disengagement at PP15 in a phased, coordinated, and verified manner, resulting in the return of troops from both sides to their respective areas.” All temporary structures and other allied infrastructure built in the area by both sides will be demolished and mutually verified. The landforms in the area will be restored to their pre-stand-off state by both sides with strict observance and respect, and there will be no unilateral change in status quo.”

India’s Economic War and Military Strengthening

China’s sudden disengagement is the result of India’s firm stance on the issue. Without backing from the ground, India launched economic and military strikes against China.

To counter Chinese aggression, India recently deployed cutting-edge military equipment along the LAC. India has deployed Apache attack helicopters, Chinook weight lifting helicopters, Rafale combat jets, and advanced versions of SWITCH tactical drones and light tanks for high-altitude areas such as Ladakh, as well as Airborne Early Warning and Control.

India has also begun deploying recently acquired S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile systems along China’s borders. The S-400’s long-range detection and destruction of hostile fighters, strategic bombers, missiles, and drones will deter Chinese provocations. Furthermore, with the strategic cooperation of Mongolia, Japan, and ASEAN countries, India has finally completed the encirclement of China.

Aside from military deterrence, India has also launched an economic war against China. The decision was made in response to China’s ongoing aggression and trade deficit issues.

According to reports, many Chinese companies are engaging in illegal tax evasion and profit syphoning back to China. According to the Enforcement Directorate, a single smartphone company, Vivo, sent Rs 62,476 crore in revenue to China to avoid paying taxes in India. In addition, other Chinese companies such as ZTE, Huawei, and Xiaomi have been accused of a total tax evasion of Rs 7,300 crore in India. Indian law enforcement agencies launched a coordinated investigation into ‘Chinese organised crime.’

Furthermore, in order to keep the Indian market from becoming a dumping ground for cheap Chinese goods, India has made tremendous strides in domestic manufacturing. The country implemented a series of policy initiatives to boost domestic manufacturing under the Aatmanirbhar and Make in India projects. The commerce ministry also suggested imposing anti-dumping duties on Chinese products.

Dr. S. Jaishankar has stated on numerous occasions that “the state of the border will determine the state of the relationship.” Working on the philosophy, India ensured that China pays in dollars for every misadventure along the LAC. China’s already collapsing economy earned India’s economic wrath.

China’s Own Obligation

China’s decision to abandon its aggressive push is also motivated by economic considerations. According to reports, the Chinese economy has been strangled by the unending Covid spread and lockdown. According to a report, the harsh lockdown and the latest outbreak of the Chinese Virus impacted 54.4% of the national GDP and half of the population. In the first quarter of 2022, the country’s GDP increased by only 0.4%.

The failure to make EMI payments and the lower property purchase price have caused a massive liquidity crisis in the real estate sector. Mortgages are also proving difficult for developers, as home buyers have refused to pay mortgages and are organizing a social boycott of EMI payments. The country is on the verge of bankruptcy due to the looming real estate sector, which accounts for 29% of China’s GDP.

The lockdown has halted production and reduced the source of income. Exports, which account for 18% of China’s GDP, are also declining in this case. China exports approximately USD 97.71 billion in goods and services to India, and the trade balance is skewed in favor of Chinese firms. In this case, India’s successive import embargoes have had a significant impact on the Chinese economy, and the Dragon is speaking the language of peace.

Russia’s Initiative

Aside from India’s economic and military strikes and China’s own transgression, the Russian angle is the third reason for withdrawal. Russia and China both require India’s assistance in their fight against the West. To enlist India’s assistance, Russia must present China as a civilized country. It is not a zero-sum game in which my gain equals your loss and your loss equals my gain. In this country, India’s loss is everyone’s loss. No group can hope to degrade India, which has the world’s second largest population, the fifth largest economy, and a formidable military force. With such military and economic power, India can shift the weight of an organization. As a result, Russia would like China to normalise relations with India.

Russia, China, and India together account for 19% of the global landmass and 33% of global GDP. Furthermore, Russia, China, and India represent the global voice of developing countries. To counter the West, Russia, China, and India must remain united. Furthermore, the Asian Century will never arrive unless and until India and China work together.

Given the various economic, social, political, security, and international circumstances, China has finally agreed to end the military standoff. China is speaking the language of peace as a result of India’s military and economic strength. Former President APJ Abdul Kalam once stated that India must stand up to the rest of the world. No one will respect India unless it stands up to the rest of the world. Only strength is respected. The Chinese arrogance has been bent by India’s strength.

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