DRC leader calls for early departure of blue helmets

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 22nd Sept. President of Democratic Republic of Congo Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo on Thursday told the world body that his country wants to see early withdrawal of UN peacekeepers which has a decades-long presence in the country to leave by the end of the year.

He stressed that DRC wants to take full control of its destiny and become the primary actor in its own stability.

President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo praised the international community and the UN for their support and partnership, and added that the gradual withdrawal of the UN mission is a necessary step to consolidate the progress made by DR Congo.

He deplored peacekeeping missions deployed in one form another for 25 years in the DR Congo were neither able to control rebellions and resolve armed conflicts, nor protect civilian populations.

Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo said he has instructed his Government to begin discussions with UN officials to accelerate and bring forward the MONUSCO withdrawal deadline by one year: from December 2024 to December 2023.

He reiterated his country’s demand for the UN Security Council to sanction all persons and entities who perpetrated, sponsored or were accomplices in war crimes, crimes against humanity, and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, and the UN Charter on Congolese soil.

Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo stressed that it is unjust and unacceptable for persons deemed to be responsible for such serious crimes to continue to enjoy impunity with the complete silence of our organization, he stressed.

He welcomed the US sanctions imposed on Rwanda for its support for the M23 terrorist group, which he called a proxy of that neighbouring county.

President Tshisekedi emphasized that maintaining international peace and security as the UN’s primary objective required greater determination and commitment from its Members in the face of any threat to international peace and security.

African people often do not understand the Organization’s ambiguities, double standards and procrastination, particularly its Security Council, he stated.

He said to retain the trust of the international community, the UN must show it can adapt and fix its inefficiencies and contradictions within its agencies.

Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo called for the reform of the UNSC, stated that the Security Council’s permanent membership be expanded to include two representatives of the African continent to ensure it is inclusive in its composition as well as decisions.

Mr. Tshisekedi spoke on climate change and the environment, noted that the African Climate Summit held in Nairobi reflected the continent’s determination to actively participate in the climate discussion and contribute to curbing global warming.

He urged the UN and the entire international community to pay attention to the legitimate demands of the continent.

President called for the creation of a fair carbon market and incentive prices while strengthening the effectiveness of climate financing.

On upcoming general elections in the DRC, President Tshisekedi affirmed that invitations have already been extended to competent international institutions and non-governmental organizations to mandate their electoral observation missions to support the process and help the nation consolidate its democracy.

He said that his Government is committed to change the way men view women, in particular by removing societal structures that create barriers to the development of women and power dynamics that underlie male-female relationships.  

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