DSG urges land, basic rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 6th Aug. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed onSaturday has said that the UN will support Brazil’s indigenous peoples and amplify their voices far and wide towards the full realizations of their rights.

Ms. Mohammed ended a week of development focused meetings with Government officials in Brazil wth a stop in Belém, capital of the northern state of Pará, gateway to Brazil’s lower Amazon region.

Ms. Mohammad exchanged views on the region’s plurality and how to integrate voices from Amazonians in global climate governance during roundtable discussions about the future of the Amazon region with representatives of civil society and the private sector.

She stressed that safeguarding the Amazon and conserving its biodiversity is necessary for the region and the world in a meeting on Brazil’s efforts towards zero deforestation with environment and climate Minister Marina Silva.

“We agree: the world needs bold leadership and more solidarity to stop the war on nature,” Ms. Mohammed said on Twitter.

She engaged in Belém with a diverse group of Amazonian youth representatives and quilombolas – inhabitants of historical settlements of people of African origin who resisted slavery.

In Para Ms. Mohammed visited indigenous land in Munduruku and spent time with the Mapuera indigenous tribe.

“I am here to hear you, to see you, to feel you, for those things that you asked for, and those things that are your rights,” she told members of the community.

She added, “I am visiting Brazil, but to visit Brazil without visiting the Amazon, is to not visit Brazil.”

Ms. Mohammed noted that she had heard what people had told her during the visit and that she would “take that voice to Brasília, to Belém, to New York, to the world.”

“You asked for transport, you asked for technology, you asked for land, you asked for basic services. These are not a favor, these are your rights,” she said.

“And so, the United Nations will carry your voice, will amplify what we hear, what we see, and we stand by you, with those who are working in Brazil, who are working in Santarém, who are working in Belém, so that one day we will actualize those rights,” she stated.

Ms. Mohammad and her delegation had several meetings with the federal Government in Brasilia.

She commended the Government’s efforts to strengthen the implementation of the SDGs and discussed the importance to raise ambition at the global stage for the 2030 Agenda, climate action, and reforming of the international financial system.

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