ECI has recommended that CM Hemant Soren be disqualified from the state assembly

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 27th August. The only constant is change. Hemant Soren, the leader of the JMM, presided over a contentious government in Jharkhand. He allegedly carried out numerous illegal activities in the belief that he was above the law. He overlooked the fact that while the wheels of justice may be slow, they grind extremely finely. His karma has at last caught up with him, and he might soon have to answer to the law for all of his alleged transgressions.

Hemant Soren’s political career is at an end

Jharkhand’s politics are about to undergo a significant change. According to reports in the media, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has given Jharkhand Governor Ramesh Bais its opinion on the mining lease case. He will soon make the report that was sent to him by the ECI.


According to reports, the ECI recommended that CM Hemant Soren be removed from the state assembly. The Chief Minister of Jharkhand may have to resign in light of this development. Given that the Soren family had control over state politics, this will completely alter them.

Earlier, the BJP had filed a formal complaint with the governor of Jharkhand, Bais, alleging that the chief minister, Hemant Soren, had given himself a mining lease. Soren’s disqualification as an MLA had been demanded by the opposition BJP. They claimed that the granting of mining leases amounted to the CM’s “office of profit” and “misuse of power” in his capacity as Mining Minister. Evidently, it was claimed that Hemant Soren, the mining minister, gave himself a mining lease.

It’s interesting to note that Hemant Soren’s legal representative in court accepted this allocation. It was called a “mistake” by the state’s advocate general, who was CM Soren’s legal representative.

The Governor had requested the Election Commission’s report in order to determine the facts of the mining lease case. According to Article 192 of the Constitution, this is the standard procedure for disqualifying a member of the legislative house.

Timeline of the case

It all began when Hemant Soren was accused of this serious illegality by former Chief Minister Raghubar Das in a meeting with governor Ramesh Bais. Following that, the case has continued in court and before the governor, who can only act on the Election Commission’s advice.

The defense team for CM Hemant Soren made its case before the ECI regarding the charge brought by the BJP against CM Soren. His legal team argued that he shouldn’t be barred from the state assembly because the alleged violation by the CM did not apply in this particular case. On August 12, it came to a conclusion. The petitioner in the case, the BJP, then responded. On August 18th, both sides had submitted their final materials to the polling panel.

The days of CM Hemant Soren in power circles appear to be numbered now that the ECI has delivered its report to the Governor and the outcome is as obvious as the sun. He is facing increasing legal issues as a result of this case, both in his personal and professional lives. If found guilty, he may have to answer to serious legal charges regarding this alleged illegal mining lease allocation and may even be punished.

His exclusion from the state assembly, however, will have an ongoing effect on state politics. There is a good chance that this will put an end to the Soren family’s autocratic control over state politics, and the Sorens may be done for good.

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