Farmers Reject Centre’s Proposal, Threaten Delhi March on February 21

GG News Bureau
New Delhi, 21st Feb.
There is a persistent lack of success in attempts to bring farmer organizations and the central government together. In response to the demands of the farmers, the Central Government made a proposal, which the farmers rejected. Farmers are so determined to march to Delhi to demand loan waivers and MSAP, among other things. The Central Government is constantly attempting to persuade the farmers in the midst of all of this. However, the proposal made in the fourth round of negotiations was turned down by the farmers. Leaders of the farmers have also declared that if their demands are not met, they will march to Delhi today, February 21. In addition, he asked the government for responses to the remaining requests.

The discussions ended without a conclusion after the fourth round

The farmers and the central government held four rounds of negotiations, but nothing came of them. Within a day, the Central Government’s proposals were all rejected by the farmer leaders who had promised to take them into consideration. Leaders of the farmers say that the government’s proposal is devoid of anything. The farmers have declared once more that they will march to Delhi at 11 a.m. today, 21 February.

The government prompted inquiries from farmer leaders

According to farmers, the government representatives arrive three hours late, demonstrating their seriousness, even though we arrive early for the meeting. He said that the government should guarantee MSP on 23 crops now and study and guarantee the remaining crops also. Farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher said that the farmer leaders said that they should let us go to Delhi comfortably or take decisions on our demands. Farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal said that the farmers have rejected the proposal. Sarwan Singh Pandher said that there is a flaw in the intentions of the government. Farmer leaders have raised questions about the government. Besides, all farmer organizations have also been invited to the movement.

What was the Centre’s proposal?

In the fourth round of talks between farmer organizations and Union Ministers held a day ago in Chandigarh, the Center had proposed to the farmers that Union Minister Piyush Goyal had told reporters after the meeting that the Central Government had agreed to give MSP on four more crops. . Apart from paddy and wheat, the Central Government has also proposed to give MSP on lentil, urad, maize and cotton crops, but for this, the farmers have to go through National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED) and Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) will have to sign a five-year agreement with. Piyush Goyal had appealed to the farmers to end the agitation.


The goal of the government is to ruin the protest

Farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal said that we are people who protest peacefully, the government wants the protest to be violent and bad. We should be allowed to go to Delhi and given a place to protest. Sarwan Singh Pandher said that there is no question of us breaking the barricades and going to Delhi, we have come to get our demands met. We will also defend ourselves. The soldiers who are stopping us are also ours. If the government forces us then people will decide whether such a government should come again or not.

Farmer leaders had asked for consideration

On this proposal of the Centre, the farmer leaders had said that they will talk to all the organizations. The Centre’s proposal is good, will be considered for two days, and will decide on the 21st whether to go to Delhi or home. Farmer leaders Jagjit Singh Dallewal and Sarwan Singh Pandher had said that they have received a good proposal from the government regarding MSP that the central government agencies will give guarantee on MSP on the purchase of pulses and cotton.

The discussion on loan waiver is still going on. Farmer’s decision to go to Delhi is still intact. The farmer leaders assured that they will consider the government’s proposal on 19 and 20 February. Today is the D day. The farmer’s organisation will finally decide today, on February 21, whether to go to Delhi or go back home.

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