Google Expands ‘AI Overviews’ Feature to 6 New Countries, Including India

GG News Bureau
New Delhi,16th August. Tech giant Google announced on Thursday the expansion of its ‘AI Overviews’ feature to six new countries, including India. The feature, previously tested in Google’s Search Labs, will be available in English and Hindi in India, with local language support in the other countries: the United Kingdom, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, and Brazil.

The ‘AI Overviews’ feature allows users to switch between English and Hindi search results using a language toggle button and listen to responses through Text-To-Speech by tapping the ‘Listen’ button. The feature aims to enhance user experience by providing easy access to diverse information and perspectives.

Hema Budaraju, Senior Director of Product Management for Search, highlighted that Indian users engage with the ‘AI Overviews’ feature more frequently than users in other countries. The new rollout includes additional functionality, such as a right-hand link display for AI Overviews on desktop, which will also be accessible on mobile devices via site icons.

Budaraju noted that users seeking help with complex topics are more engaged with AI Overviews and that the feature contributes to higher quality traffic for websites. Google is also testing the integration of links to relevant web pages directly within the AI Overviews text to facilitate easier access to information.

As Google continues to evolve its Search experience, the company remains committed to providing users with valuable and diverse information sources, thereby improving search result quality and user engagement.

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