Grand Finale of Dark Patterns Buster Hackathon 2023 Held at IIT BHU

GG News Bureau
Varanasi, 19th Feb. 
The Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, organized the Inter-college competition Round 3 Grand Finale of Dark Patterns Buster Hackathon (DPBH-2023) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) BHU. The event, held in collaboration with the institute, saw the participation of over 500 students and 150+ subject experts and jury members.

DPBH-2023, a pioneering initiative aimed at combating deceptive online practices, has garnered nationwide attention and mobilized a campaign against dark patterns. Launched on October 26, 2023, the Hackathon focuses on designing and prototyping innovative app or software-based solutions to detect dark patterns on e-commerce platforms.

The Grand Finale witnessed the culmination of efforts from 172+ teams shortlisted from over 150 colleges across the country. Each team presented real-time working models capable of detecting 13 different types of illegal dark patterns as recognized by the Government of India.

Noteworthy innovations showcased during the event included:

– Large Language Models for Dark Pattern Detection: Utilizing an indigenously developed Large Language Model (LARA) optimized with Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) for precise detection.
– Serverless Architecture for Real-time Analysis: Featuring a serverless setup using AWS Lambda and cross-encoder machine learning models for multi-lingual analysis.
– Modular Approach for Comprehensive Protection: Integrating text and visual analysis with YOLO technology for real-time use alerts.
– Web and Mobile Platform Solutions: Utilizing Random Forest classifiers and Google’s Vision API for uncovering hidden information through user-friendly platforms.

These innovative solutions not only alert consumers about specific dark patterns but also provide real-time data to the government and identify emerging dark patterns.

Shri Rohit Kumar Singh, Secretary DoCA, commended the students for their commitment and determination, emphasizing the role of AI in mitigating dark patterns. Other dignitaries, including Professor MK Meshram and Professor Vikas Kumar Dubey from IIT (BHU), and Shri Anupam Mishra, Joint Secretary in the Department of Consumer Affairs, addressed the event, highlighting the importance of ethical digital practices.

The efforts of the students received global recognition, with applause in a webinar organized by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on “AI and Dark Patterns.”

The awards and cash prizes, to be declared on March 15, 2024, on World Consumer Rights Day, will mark the culmination of this impactful event, celebrating the achievements of participants and furthering the cause of consumer rights in the digital age.

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