Guterres calls Russia to honor sovereignty, independence, unity, territorial integrity of Ukraine

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 24th Feb. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Friday addressed the Security Council underscored the fundamental need to honor the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as the invasion by Russia marks its second anniversary.

Guterres said “Two years on and a decade since Russia’s attempted illegal annexation of Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the war in Ukraine remains an open wound at the heart of Europe,”.

He stressed “It is high time for peace a just peace, based on the UN Charter, international law and General Assembly resolutions”.

Guterres reminded the international community the United Nations principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.

He stated that as per the UN Charter, international disputes shall be settled by peaceful means, and that all States shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any other State.

Mr. Guterres pointed to the suffering of civilians on both sides of the war.

He noted that 10,500 civilians have died and many more have been injured; schools, hospitals and other vital civilian infrastructure have been destroyed, and several hundred towns and villages are cut off from electricity during a brutal winter.

UN agencies said that 4 million people have been driven from their homes, and countless families, especially on the frontlines, depend on humanitarian assistance.

Guterres said “Many Ukrainians are experiencing the living nightmare of losing their children. All children that have been deported must be reunited with their families,”.

“The war is also hurting the people of Russia. Thousands of young Russians are dying on the frontlines. Civilians hit by strikes on Russian cities are also suffering,” he added.

He voiced deep concern over the danger of the conflict escalating and expanding “is very real”.

“Around the world, the war is deepening geopolitical divides. Fanning regional instability. Shrinking the space available to address other urgent global issues,” he said.

Mr. Guterres concluded his remarks said that “we have had two years of fighting, two years of suffering, two years of stoking global tensions and straining global relations.”

“Enough,” he stressed.

He noted that scorning the Charter has been the problem, and honoring it is the solution.

“That means honoring the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders. It is time to recommit to the Charter and renew respect for international law,” he said.

“That is the path to peace and security – in Ukraine and around the world.”

French Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Séjourné said that Russia has been waging a war for two years, an unjust, unjustifiable and illegal war of aggression after seeking to invade its neighbor and take its territory for 10 years.

He said neither Moscow’s false pretexts nor its propaganda and massive disinformation on social networks can hide this clear and indisputable situation.

French Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Séjourné said “Unlike Russia, Ukraine wants peace.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy proposed a peace plan more than a year ago, and Ukraine has identified key principles and started discussions with numerous partners from all continents and not just the European continent. He stated.

“No one wants peace more than the Ukrainian people,” he said.

“Our Council must work for the victory of Ukraine, because it would be the victory of the Charter. The overthrow of societies through brutal and imperialist aggression should not be accepted. Russia must put an end to this war and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory, which will never belong to it.”

Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United KingdomDavid Cameron, said the Council is meeting two years since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a wholly unprovoked invasion of a sovereign UN Member.

“My question to Putin is simple: Why?” he asked. “How is Russia living up to its responsibilities as a permanent member of this Council to uphold international peace and security? How many ridiculous explanations have we now had for the invasion?”

That is the simple truth: Mr. Putin believes he can take territories, redraw borders, exercise force to build his empire, he said, wondering if the Council will “let this stand”.

“We know Ukraine’s answer, for we saw the courage of President Zelenskyy two years ago; the Kremlin expected Ukraine to fold, but they are standing firm for their freedom,” Mr. Cameron said.

He added that on Thursday, the UK imposed further sanctions, clamping down on Russia’s military-industrial complex and those enablers seeking to keep it running.

“These sanctions are a reminder,” he continued. “In acting so brazenly, Putin is in fact openly trying to upset the international order, replacing it not with some progressive vision of equality of nations, but with a return to a 19th century ideology where might – particularly his might – is right.”

He said, “this is why we all must stand up to Putin, not just out of sympathy for Ukraine, but because his actions in Ukraine are dangerous for everyone else,” adding that respect for sovereignty lies at the heart of the international system and the UN.

“And that’s why nothing should matter more to us than seeing Putin fail,” he said. “We must not falter.  We must stand firm.”

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, recalled that two years ago, as Council members sitting around the same table called for diplomacy and de-escalation, “President [Vladimir] Putin openly chose war.”

“We could see the reality of Russia’s brutal aggression unfolding in real time; the world could see that choice between violence and diplomacy, war and peace unfolding in real time,” she said.

“Today, despite President Putin’s best efforts, the world continues to bear witness to Russian brutality, Russian hypocrisy and Russian cruelty,” she added.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said the “senseless war” has worsened global food insecurity, impacted global energy, caused incalculable damage to the environment, and undermined the global non-proliferation regime.

She added that in the face of such cruelty, death and destruction, the Ukrainian people have fought back effectively – “vastly outnumbered, they have not only defended their land but their freedoms, their democracy and their identity.”

Ms. Thomas-Greenfield called for greater support for Ukraine, to help it fight not only for peace but for a just, lasting peace, rooted in the UN Charter’s fundamental principles.

“Let us be exceedingly clear here: if Russia puts down its weapons today, the war will end; if Ukraine puts down its weapons, Ukraine would be over,” she said.

Russian envoy to the UN Vassily Nebenzia said that one year ago, the Western bloc had tried to promote its peaceful initiatives and openly instilled in Ukrainian President Zelenskyy the notion that he could beat Russia. Ukraine has completely failed, while the West continues to pump weapons into the country and to discuss “dead end” peace prospects.

“For the people of Ukraine, it’s increasing clear how ineffective its Government is and how much it lacks independence,” he said. “In this proxy war…Ukraine is losing.”

European Union has become “a satellite of the US”, and Germany for instance, has suffered losses of billions of dollars stemming from sanctions against Russia, he said.

Vassily Nebenzia emphasized that instead of having relations with its neighbour, Russia, the bloc is “shooting itself in the foot” by falling into a harsher energy dependency with the US and has fallen into Russophobia.

He said that two years ago, “we sent our boys to fight to end a war” against the Donbas region, “not to start one”.

On the Minsk agreements, he said France, the UK and others did not take these treaties seriously. At the same time, Ukraine stepped up military activities with foreign States.

“Any conflict ends sooner or later,” he said. “There’s no doubt that the Ukrainian conflict will end as well. There’s no doubt that the longer it lasts due to the sustained support by the West, the less advantageous the peace dividends will be for Ukraine.”

Europe is in the throes of strategic blindness while denying to Russia its own legitimate defence interests, which is a short-sighted approach, he said.

He added that the bloc continues to promote anti-Russia propaganda, which the US tried to do during the Cold War.

Vassily Nebenzia said a fair Euro-Atlantic security system must be discussed, and noted that NATO’s current actions include expectations that its expansion is “an absolute right”.

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