Harmless Asteroid 2022 AA will pass Earth in February 2022

*Paromita Das


According to the National Research and Innovation Agency’s (BRIN) main researcher, the 2022 AA Asteroid will fly past Earth on February 4 or 5, 2022, safely and without causing any harm to mankind.

At a distance of 2,542,000 kilometers from Earth, the asteroid will pass by on February 4 at 21:16 p.m. Universal Time (UT) or February 5 at 4:16 a.m. Western Indonesian Time (WIB).

“It will have no impact on people’s life,” said Clara Yono Yatini of BRIN’s Space Research Center Main Expert Researcher.

The International Astronomy Association’s Minor Planet Center (MPC) confirmed the asteroid’s discovery and gave it the name 2022 AA, indicating that it is the first near-Earth asteroid identified in 2022.

On January 1, 2022, the asteroid was discovered. The asteroid 2022 AA belongs to the Apollo asteroid family since its average distance from the Sun surpasses that of the Earth.

According to Yatini, the 2022 AA Asteroid is not a huge asteroid and its passage will have no impact on Earth.

She went on to say that the asteroid will have no effect on space weather because it is mostly affected by the Sun.

Meanwhile, Andi Pangerang of BRIN’s Space Research Center said that the 71-meter asteroid will travel close to Earth at a speed of 13,200 kilometers per hour.

He pointed out that this distance is still greater than the roche limit. The roche limit is the minimal distance required for a sky item to preserve its shape and avoid shattering.


The asteroid was subjected to a tidal force, similar to Earth’s gravitational force, which caused this state.

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