IIT Madras Launches Startup Investor Platform

GG News Bureau
Chennai, 27th Feb. 
Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar inaugurated the ‘Investor Information and Analytics Platform’ developed by IIT Madras, aimed at revolutionizing the startup ecosystem. This innovative platform serves as a comprehensive resource hub, offering startups seamless access to venture capitalists, government schemes, and vital components of the startup landscape.

Developed by researchers at the Centre for Research on Start-ups and Risk Financing (CREST) of IIT Madras, the platform integrates information from various levels, providing entrepreneurs with a one-stop solution to explore government agencies, incubators, investors, and banks supporting startups.

Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar commended the platform’s launch, emphasizing its pivotal role in bridging gaps within the innovation ecosystem. He underscored its significance for researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs alike, highlighting its potential to drive holistic understanding and foster growth within the startup ecosystem.

An exceptional feature of the platform is “StartupGPT,” an AI-based conversational platform designed to simplify information retrieval. Users can effortlessly access real-time information by asking queries in plain language, enhancing accessibility for navigating extensive data.

With data on over 200,000 startups, 11,000 angel investors, 5,000 venture capitalists, 1,000 incubators, and more, the platform empowers entrepreneurs with invaluable insights and connections critical for success.

Partnering with YNOS Venture Engine, an IIT Madras incubatee startup, ensures the platform’s continuous updates and availability, enabling users to access it 24/7. This collaboration harnesses the strengths of the private sector to maximize the platform’s impact on India’s startup ecosystem.

Prof. Thillai Rajan A, Head of CREST, IIT Madras, emphasized the platform’s role in democratizing access to information and capital, facilitating the commercialization of innovation. He highlighted its significance in supporting young entrepreneurs and driving India towards an innovation-driven economy.

Furthermore, Prof. Thillai Rajan A expressed gratitude for the support from IIT Madras and the Government of India, acknowledging the platform as a testament to India’s academic excellence and commitment to national development through research-driven initiatives.

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