India Stresses Need for Comprehensive Reform at United Nations Security Council

GG News Bureau
United Nations, 19th Feb. 
In a resounding call for substantial reforms, India has once again emphasized the necessity of broadening the scope of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). India raised questions regarding the dominance of the council’s five permanent members over the collective voice of 188 member nations of the global organization.

The assertion from India reverberated across the United Nations platform, drawing attention to the imperative need for inclusivity and equity within the powerful international body. Ruchira Kamboj, India’s permanent representative to the UN, highlighted the significance of a global effort towards reform during the “Inter-governmental Negotiations on Security Council Reform” held on Friday.

Kamboj emphasized the foundational principle of “equity” as the cornerstone for global endeavors towards reform within the UNSC. She stressed, “Equity can only be ensured if every nation, regardless of its size or strength, is given an equal opportunity to shape global decisions.” Expressing concerns over the undue influence wielded by the council’s five permanent members, Kamboj questioned the continued hegemony over the collective voice of 188 member nations.

The current composition of the UNSC, comprising China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States as permanent members, holds veto power and significantly influences decision-making processes within the council. Kamboj underscored the need to address this longstanding injustice, advocating for bold leadership and courageous reforms to rectify systemic imbalances.

Highlighting India’s proactive engagement in advocating for reform within the UNSC, Kamboj referenced India’s consistent efforts over the years. She asserted India’s rightful claim to inclusion as a permanent member of the UNSC, reflecting the nation’s steadfast commitment to global peace and security.

India’s vocal stance at the United Nations reflects a broader global conversation surrounding the need for equitable representation and inclusive decision-making within international bodies. As discussions progress, India’s advocacy for comprehensive reform stands as a testament to its unwavering dedication towards fostering a more just and inclusive world order.

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