MPs Darshana Singh & Dharmshila Gupta Lead Indian Delegation at Global Women Parliamentarians Conference on Counter-Terrorism in Doha 

GG News Bureau
Doha, 27th June.
 A Parliamentary delegation comprising Darshana Singh and Dharmshila Gupta, Members of Parliament, Rajya Sabha are on a visit to Doha on 26-27 June, 2024 to attend Global Conference of Women Parliamentarians under the theme “The role of women parliamentarians in the development, implementation, and oversight of counter-terrorism and prevention of violent extremism legislation, policies, and strategies”.

It is the first time that the Indian parliament is participating in a global women parliamentarians conference on the subject of counter terrorism.

Highlighting the Measures taken to counter terrorism and prevent violent extremism, Darshana Singh said that India has raised a robust security establishment along with a sound legislative framework to counter terrorism and prevent violent extremism and women as policy makers as well as law makers have been contributing significantly to counter these two menaces.  She added that apart from requisite legislative and administrative measures, it has been Government’s policy to open dialogue with disaffected groups within the framework of our Constitution, restore democratic process and rehabilitate the extremist cadres including the women cadre, who surrender before the security forces, in the social mainstream.

Speaking on the Gendered Aspects of Counter Terrorism and Prevention of Violent Extremism, she said that emphasis is being laid on increasing the recruitment of women in police and Central Paramilitary Forces that are deployed in disturbed areas and in this regard, the Central Government has also advised the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations to increase the representation of women police to 33% of the total strength.

Darshana also informed that India associates itself with UN’s Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy and increasingly contributes in the deployment of UN’s women peacekeepers in various conflict zones in the world and in 2007, India was the first country to deploy All-women Uniformed Police Units in Liberia.

Apprising the Role of Women Parliamentarians in Counter Terrorism and Prevention of Violent Extremism Darshana said that women parliamentarians have been playing a significant role during debates and discussions in the Parliament and its Committees on various forms of terrorism and violent extremism across different regions of the country and shared their perspectives on the effectiveness of such legislations and advocated for counter-insurgency strategies that are gender sensitive. During the recent G20 Summit under India’s presidency, the emphasis was on encouraging women-led development and women’s equal and effective participation for addressing global challenges including all forms of terrorism.

During the second session of the conference, speaking on the The Role of Parliamentarians in Countering Terrorism (Ct)/ Preventing and Controlling of Violent Extremism (PCVE), Dharamshila Gupta stated that India has faced various forms of terrorism and insurgency over several decades with even the Parliament of India not being spared by terrorist attack. The legislative framework of India with respect to CT and PCVE has evolved in a dynamic fashion in accordance with the changing requirements and situations. From the enactment of counter terrorism laws in the past such as Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, and Prevention of Terrorism Act, and other legislations such as the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), the Anti-Hijacking Act, the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), etc., India has equipped herself with a robust anti-terror legislative framework. Parliamentarians, including women parliamentarians have contributed significantly in the debates and discussions on these legislations in both the Houses of Parliament.

India has been contributing effectively at various global fora, including the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), to combat terrorist financing, Dharamshila Gupta further added.

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