Needo-motivation in Vikram Samvat 2081 New Year of Bharat: A Manifesto for Success in Life: Pro. Madan Mohan Goel

*Needo-motivation in Vikram Samvat 2081 New Year of Bharat: A Manifesto for Success in Life: Pro. Madan Mohan Goel

In the pursuit of success imbued with morality, opulence, victory, and empowerment (MOVE), we must adopt a mindset of proactive engagement in Vikram Samvat 2081 from the Pratipada date of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month on April 09, 2024.   Waiting idly for the perfect moment is a luxury we cannot afford. Instead, we must seize the initiative and create our opportune circumstances.

Love, far from being a passive emotion, is a force to be actively spread and cultivated. We cannot wait for it to find us; we must actively sow its seeds wherever we go, nurturing it within ourselves and sharing it generously with others.

The path to success is not always clearly laid out before us. Rather than waiting for it to reveal itself, we must embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, fearlessly seeking out our unique routes to fulfilment.

Opportunities rarely knock on our doors unbidden. Instead of passively waiting for them to appear, we must take bold action to create our opportunities, leveraging our skills, creativity, and determination to carve out pathways to success.

In our pursuit of excellence, we must never settle for mediocrity. Rather than accepting less than the best, we must strive relentlessly to achieve the highest standards of performance and accomplishment.

Comparison is the thief of joy and individuality. Instead of measuring ourselves against others, we must celebrate our uniqueness and cultivate our distinctive strengths and talents.

Misfortune and failure are inevitable aspects of the human experience. Rather than succumbing to despair, we must embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation, using them as stepping stones on the path to success.

Mistakes are valuable lessons in disguise. Instead of dwelling on them with regret, we must extract wisdom from our failures, learn from our missteps and apply these insights to our future endeavours.

In the face of adversity, we must stand firm and resolute, refusing to be deterred by setbacks or obstacles. If one path is blocked, we must find the courage and creativity to chart a new course forward.

Life is a rich tapestry of experiences, both joyful and sorrowful. Instead of closing our eyes to its complexities, we must open our minds and hearts to embrace its full spectrum, finding meaning and fulfilment in every moment.

To move ahead, needo-avoid waiting for a good time to come. Make it, needo-avoid wait for love. Spread it, needo-avoid wait for the path. Find it, needo-avoid wait for opportunity. Create it, needo-avoid to go for less. Strive for the best. Needo-avoid comparing. Be unique.  Needo-avoid crying over our misfortune. Transform it. Don’t avoid failure. Use it. Don’t dwell on mistakes. Learn from it. Don’t back down. Go around. Avoid closing our eyes. Open our minds. Don’t run from life. Embrace it.”

Success in life is not a destination to be reached but a journey to be embraced. By adopting a proactive mindset, cultivating love and positivity, embracing challenges, and maintaining resilience in the face of adversity, we can chart a course towards a future filled with fulfilment, prosperity, and empowerment in Vikram Samvat 2081 New Year of Bharat.

Happy Vikram Samvat 2081 New Year of Bharat!

* Propounder Needonomics School of Thought, Former Vice-Chancellor, Starex University, Jagannath University, RGNIYD (GOI), and Superannuated Professor of Kurukshetra University.

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