OCHA head warns survivors of Türkiye-Syria quakes still suffering

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau
UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths on Tuesday  said in a statement that tens of thousands of families survived devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria last year have yet to recover on multiple fronts.

On February 6, 2023, a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the border region between the two countries, claimed over 50,000 lives in Türkiye andr 5,900 in Syria, with thousands more injured.

“Thousands of families have yet to heal from the impact of the devastation. Survivors live with the loss and trauma of those frightful days,” Martin Griffiths said in a statement.

“Today, our thoughts are again with the survivors and those who lost loved ones. And for those who still need humanitarian assistance, our pledge remains to do all we can to continue to help,” he added.

The disaster compounded dire humanitarian crisis in Syria, where some 16.7 million people will need assistance in 2024.

There are 1.75 million Syrian refugees in earthquake-affected regions of Türkiye.

In both countries, entire communities were razed to the ground and thousands of buildings – including schools, hospitals, mosques and churches – were destroyed or severely damaged.

WHO warned the consequences of the catastrophe will last many years to come with a lot of people still in temporary shelters.

WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic said that in in Türkiye, the earthquake created new and urgent health needs for both refugee and host populations.

“The disaster disrupted access to health services, including maternal and newborn healthcare, vaccination, non-communicable disease management, mental health support, disability and rehabilitation services,” he told.

He added that in Syria, the earthquake hit communities that had been deeply affected during the 13-year-long conflict-driven crisis, characterized by repeated displacement leading to food insecurity, disease outbreaks and a severely weakened health system.

WHO and health partners continue to deliver health services for maternal and child health, prevention of cholera and other outbreaks, physical rehabilitation, mental health and psychosocial support.

Mr. Jasarevic added the support of the international community is crucial for the WHO and partners to continue delivering much needed health services in Syria.

UNHCR has been delivering protection assistance including psychosocial support, shelter, cash assistance and other aid to affected people in Syria.

The agency provided over three million relief items, including tents, containers, hygiene kits, bedding and warm clothing for refugees and local residents in temporary accommodation centres in Türkiye with the support of the Government-led response.

Spokesperson Shabia Mantoo said at the UNOG press briefing that UNHCR appreciates the timely and generous aid offered by donors, it appeals for continued support to ensure critical humanitarian needs can be met.

“To facilitate better responsibility sharing with Türkiye, [we are] also calling for an expansion of resettlement opportunities for refugees, some of the most vulnerable of whom require longer-term solutions and a fresh start elsewhere,” she added.

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