Police assure Kashmiri Pandits of increased security

*Paromita Das

On Tuesday, the Divisional Commissioner of Kashmir Valley and the Inspector General of Police paid protesting Kashmiri Pandits visits in Badgam and Anantnag. IG Vijay Kumar warned Kashmiri Pandits not to leave the valley because that was the plan of terrorists and their handlers on the other side of the border.

The police have promised to address flaws in the valley’s security grid. The Divisional Commissioner stated that all service-related issues will be resolved within a week.

According to the Jammu and Kashmir Police, the enemy’s plan from across the border must be foiled.

“You don’t need to be afraid. Terrorists and Pakistan’s agenda is to instil fear. We must all fight together. Not only the cops, but all of us. We appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made. Please do not make statements that will embolden our adversary. “I assure you that we will work on the security grid and eradicate terrorism,” said IG Kashmir Vijay Kumar.

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir PK Pole also met with protesting Kashmiri Pandit community members. He assured the community that the government would address all issues within a week. Community members who were given jobs as part of the PM package have been protesting since Rahul Bhat’s death.
“I guarantee that your issues with jobs, posting locations, posting districts, promotions, and so on will be resolved within a week. The civilian killings are intended to instil fear among minorities, and I can tell you that the security situation in Kashmir is not what it was ten years ago. There has been significant progress “Division Commissioner PK Pole stated.

The administration and police have assured the community of their full support.


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