Prashant Kishore Acknowledges: “Opposition Stuck in NDA, Modi’s ‘400 Par’ Strategy

Paromita Das 

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 25th May. Political strategist Prashant Kishore has experience in creating election plans for a range of political parties, including the Trinamool Congress, the Congress, the JDU, and the BJP. He has given his opinion about the outcomes of the Lok Sabha elections of 2024 to the public in a number of TV interviews. But the true image of the Lok Sabha elections won’t become clear until June 4th.
Prashant Kishore claims that the BJP has won a far safer position in this election. The BJP conducted their political campaign in a powerful way.

Who will form the government?
According to his analysis, as there isn’t much opposition to the current Modi government and no viable substitute, there is no doubt that the election results will show any significant shift. The election outcomes will be in the Modi government’s favor. Regardless of how the elections are interpreted, it appears like PM Modi will lead the NDA government back to power. This is what is generally apparent, albeit there may be disagreements and debates about the numbers. The current government can return to power with nearly identical or somewhat improved numbers from the previous Lok Sabha. In Modi’s honor, the BJP will prevail in this election.

272 versus 370
Political pundits can declare that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had claimed 370 seats, but the BJP did not receive 290, 295, or 280. It was down to just 285 or 280 seats available. BJP leaders would claim that we have received more public blessings than in the previous election if we secure above 300 seats. Despite the fact that this is up for question, the constitution states that 272 seats are needed to establish a government. The government will be formed by the party or coalition that receives 272 seats.

Even if the BJP were to win 272 or 275 seats, its leaders could not claim that because they had promised 400 seats and it did not happen so the party would not be able to establish a government. The opposition parties have been caught off guard by the BJP’s use of the slogan “crossing 400.”

Alas, Congress
Since there had been coalition governments up to that point, there were not as many expectations for the NDA in 2014. However, the situation in 2024 is a little different because high hopes were raised for this Lok Sabha election from the beginning due to the fact that the majority administration has two terms. Prime Minister Modi stated in parliament that the BJP is expected to receive 370 seats. It has also surpassed 370 and 400 at the same time, which has been the subject of speculation for the past three to four months. This may be interpreted as either the BJP’s plan, the folly of the opposition, or a weakness. As a matter of fact, PM Modi and the BJP have moved the entire goal post from 272 to 370. Thus, the focus of the entire conversation is on whether or not the BJP would receive 370 seats. So, instead of discussing 272, people are focusing on whether or not the BJP will win 370 seats. The Congress fell victim to the same BJP-set trap.

Modi deserves praise
BJP and PM Modi should be credited for raising the threshold and changing the conversation’s focus from topic 272 to topic 370. This is advantageous for them, since it refutes the claim that Modi is losing. Everyone is claiming that the party won’t get 370 seats. But they will still establish the government even with 320 seats.

North-West, East-South, and BJP is not losing any ground
The North and West together include roughly 325 Lok Sabha seats. Since 2014, the BJP has established a foothold in this area. In the West and North, the BJP does not appear to have suffered any major losses even in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. There are roughly 225 seats in East and South other than this. In these states, the BJP presently holds fewer than 50 seats. In this election, the BJP’s seats in the northeastern states of Odisha, Telangana, Bihar, Andhra, Bengal, Assam, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala would rise rather than fall, despite the party’s perhaps subpar performance in these regions. Out of all the seats, the party appears to be gaining fifteen to twenty here. In this sense, the NDA’s current position may be improved, and the likelihood of losing seats appears less.

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