Putin is in charge of military drills, while the US claims Russia can invade Ukraine “at any time.”


On Saturday, Washington accused Russian forces massed near Ukraine’s border of being’ready to strike.’ Russian President Vladimir Putin attended military drills by Russia’s strategic nuclear forces on Saturday.

According to the White House, US President Joe Biden’s national security staff advised him that Russia may launch an attack in Ukraine “at any time,” and that he planned to meet with his senior aides on Sunday to discuss the matter.

Foreign ministers from the G7 group of wealthy nations said they have seen no evidence that Russia is lowering its military action in the region and are “gravely concerned” about the situation.

Kiev and Moscow have traded barbs over new shelling near the border. France and Germany have advised its people in Ukraine to evacuate in full or in part.

According to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Russian forces are beginning to ‘uncoil and move closer’ to the border.

“We hope he (Putin) draws back from the verge of war,” Austin said at a news conference in Lithuania, adding that an invasion of Ukraine was not unavoidable.

Russia ordered the military buildup while insisting that NATO prevent Ukraine from ever joining the alliance. But it dismisses Western concerns that it is contemplating an invasion of Ukraine as crazy and dangerous. Moscow claims to be retreating, but Washington and its allies fear the buildup is increasing.

Washington and NATO say Moscow’s key demands are non-starters, but in Ukraine, concerns about Putin’s plans are mounting.

Ukrainian President VolodymyrZelenskiy expressed his displeasure at a security conference in Munich, saying the global security architecture was “nearly shattered.” He urged the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Germany, and Turkey to convene in order to devise fresh security assurances for his country.

“The rules that the world agreed on decades ago don’t work anymore,” Zelenskiy added. “They are unable to keep up with new dangers… When you require a coronavirus vaccine, take this cough syrup.”

On Saturday, World Bank President David Malpass told Zelenskiy that the bank was preparing to provide up to $350 million to Ukraine.


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