Reclaiming Tradition: The BJP’s Bold Move to Redefine Convocation Ceremonies


Paromita Das

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 26th August. In a ground-breaking move that reflects a broader effort to reconnect with Bharat’s cultural roots, the Narendra Modi government has announced a significant change to the tradition of convocation ceremonies in the country’s premier medical institutions. Under the new directive issued by the Ministry of Health, prestigious institutions such as AIIMS will transition from the colonial-era attire of black gowns and caps to traditional Bharatiya dress for their graduation ceremonies. This decision marks a pivotal shift away from the vestiges of British colonial influence, signaling a renewed commitment to celebrating and honoring Bharat’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.

The Legacy of Colonial Dress

The practice of donning black gowns and caps during graduation ceremonies has its origins in British colonial rule. Introduced in the late 19th century, particularly under Lord Cornwallis, these garments were emblematic of Western educational norms imposed on colonies. They were inspired by medieval European academic attire and became symbols of colonial authority, permeating educational institutions across British-controlled territories, including Bharat. Over time, these symbols became entrenched in the educational system, often overshadowing indigenous cultural practices.

The New Directive: A Shift in Cultural Paradigms

The recent directive from the Ministry of Health represents a decisive departure from this colonial legacy. By allowing medical institutions to adopt dress codes that reflect local traditions and cultural values, the government aims to honor and celebrate Bharat’s diverse heritage. This change is not merely about altering ceremonial attire but about restoring cultural pride and identity. It emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with Bharat’s traditional roots, promoting unity and self-respect among its citizens.

Impact on Bharatiya Society and Cultural Identity

This decision has the potential to resonate deeply within Bharatiya society. Convocation ceremonies, often seen as a milestone in academic and professional achievements, will now embody a greater sense of cultural significance. By integrating traditional Bharatiya attire, these ceremonies will reinforce the country’s diverse cultural identity, fostering a sense of pride and belonging among graduates and their communities. This move also serves as a reminder of Bharat’s historical journey, highlighting the shift from colonial subjugation to self-affirmation.

A Symbolic and Historic Transformation

The BJP’s decision can be viewed as a symbolic and historic milestone in Bharat’s ongoing cultural reconstruction. It reflects a broader effort to move beyond colonial legacies and embrace a future that celebrates and honors Bharat’s traditional heritage. This reform is a profound statement of reclaiming cultural heritage and reinforcing national pride, transcending mere changes in ceremonial dress.


The BJP’s initiative to replace colonial convocation attire with traditional Bharatiya dress is a commendable step in the direction of cultural reclamation and national pride. It demonstrates a commitment to addressing historical impositions and fostering a more inclusive cultural environment. This move is not just about ceremonial attire but symbolizes a larger movement towards recognizing and valuing Bharat’s diverse heritage.

By allowing institutions to design dress codes based on local traditions, the government acknowledges and respects the rich tapestry of Bharatiya culture, which has often been overshadowed by colonial practices. This change can inspire a broader cultural renaissance, where historical legacies are critically examined and reformed to reflect contemporary values.

However, while the shift in dress code is a positive gesture, it is essential to ensure that it is part of a broader cultural and educational reform agenda. The success of such initiatives depends on their integration into a holistic approach that promotes cultural understanding and unity. The government must also address other areas where colonial legacies persist to make meaningful progress in cultural reassertion.

In essence, the decision marks a significant milestone in Bharat’s journey towards cultural self-definition. It offers an opportunity to celebrate and perpetuate Bharat’s diverse traditions, paving the way for a future where cultural pride and historical consciousness are central to national identity.


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