Rights expert calls for immediate release of Israeli hostages

By Anjali Sharma

UNITED NATIONS – UN human rights expert on protection from torture Alice Edwards on Tuesday reiterated the urgent need for all Israeli hostages held in Gaza to be unconditionally released.

Alice Edwards condemned the killing of 6 Israeli hostages earlier this month and called for an immediate end to hostilities on all fronts.

UN reported that 97 hostages are still unaccounted for, presumed to be held in Gaza, which has been under an intense Israeli military offensive since the attacks.

“As time passes by, the threats to the life and well-being of the hostages intensifies, and the urgency of action to ensure their release and put an end to the war grows,” Ms. Edwards said in a news release.

She voiced “extreme concern” over reports that some female hostages had been subjected to sexual violence.

“I believe only if we are able to have empathy for all those affected by this terrible armed conflict will peace ever be achieved. Human rights apply to everyone without distinction of any kind.”

She spoke after met with released hostages and families of those who are still missing.

Ms. Edwards described the ongoing conflict as a “devastating and deeply painful” one, in which tens of thousands of lives have been lost.

“The perpetration of international crimes of all kinds and by all perpetrators must be investigated fully, independently and impartially, and those accountable subjected to the highest penalties,” she said, stressing that all UN Member States “must strive to end the torment of Palestinians and Israelis alike without any further delay.”

She has been engaged on several aspects of the conflict, including sending communications to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas regarding the hostages.

Ms. Edwards addressed Israeli authorities regarding allegations of torture and mistreatment of detained Palestinians, called for their humane and dignified treatment, and swift release if detained arbitrarily.

Special Rapporteur monitor and report on the situation of torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment worldwide.

Ms. Edwards has held the role since July 2022.

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