Riot Situation in Gandatwisa for Allegedly Beating Up a Reang Student

GG News Bureau
Gandatwisa, 13th July. 
Violence broke out in Gandatwisa, popularly known as Gandacherra, last night after a young Reang student, Parshuram Reang, was allegedly beaten and electrocuted by Bengali miscreants during a local fair. Parshuram succumbed to his injuries this afternoon while undergoing treatment at GB Hospital, sparking widespread unrest in the town.

Eyewitnesses report that the situation became highly volatile after news of Parshuram’s death spread. Many residents fled their homes in search of safety as tensions escalated. A large police force has been deployed to control the situation, with the District Magistrate and District Police Officers present at the scene.

Pradyot Kishore, the self-proclaimed head of Tipra Matha, has appealed for peace from the capital. Despite these efforts, the entire Gandatwisa remains in a state of high tension, with additional security personnel stationed at critical locations. Reports indicate that police have fired into the air to disperse crowds.

The violence has drawn comparisons to the recent unrest in Manipur, raising concerns of escalating ethnic conflicts in the region. Sources claim that Bengali-Tribal clashes have resulted in multiple casualties, though exact numbers remain unconfirmed.

Authorities have requested additional fire brigade and police reinforcements from neighboring districts to manage the crisis. Media personnel have been restricted from entering the area, with reports of journalists being confined to their homes.

The involvement of Tipra Motha, a new political party, is under investigation as speculation mounts about their role in the violence. The situation in Gandatwisa remains tense as officials work to restore order and prevent further bloodshed.

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