Rising Corona: 44 thousand new Corona Cases in the last 24 hours

GG News Bureau
New Delhi, 27th Aug. The rising statistics of corona in Kerala and Maharashtra have again raised concern in the country. Corona cases have been increasing for two consecutive days. In the last 24 hours, more than 44 thousand new cases have been reported in the country, and 496 people have died. 32,988 patients have been discharged from the hospital.

More than 36 thousand new cases have been registered only in Kerala and Maharashtra in the reported cases of corona patients in the country. This means 79 percent of the country’s corona cases belong to these two states only.

More than 31 thousand new corona cases have been reported in Kerala, and 162 people have died. More than 5 thousand corona positive patients have been reported in Maharashtra, while 159 people have died.

The number of active corona cases in the country has crossed 3 lakh 44 thousand. Experts have feared the third wave of corona to come in September-October, while claiming to be at the peak in November.

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