Russia issued arrest warrants for ICC judges, UN calls to withdraw

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 14th Oct. UN human rights office on Friday said it was “deeply concerned” by Russia’s decision to issue arrest warrants against senior judges of the International Criminal Court after warrants against its Prosecutor and Pre-trial Judges involved to examine potential war crimes in Ukraine.

OHCHR Spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said “We share the concerns expressed on Tuesday by the Presidency of the ICC’s Assembly of States Parties that these actions are unacceptable, and we call for them to be promptly withdrawn”.

Russia issued arrest warrants against the President, deputy and one of the judges at the ICC, which investigates and tries persons charged with the gravest crimes, namely genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression, OHCHR noted

It said that the development follows the Court’s issuance of arrest warrants in March against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, for alleged unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia.

According to media reports, Russia opened cases against ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan and three Court judges.

ICC was established in July 2002 under a treaty known as the Rome Statute and is based in The Hague.

Ms. Shamdasani said that the Court is “a cornerstone of the rule of law and complements the work of national courts in the fight against impunity,”.

“It is therefore crucial that it, and its officials, can perform their vital functions under the Rome Statute, unhindered by pressure, interference, or intimidation – from any quarter,” she added.

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