Socio-economic problems in Brazil are the by-product of greed and calls for adopting the Gita-based principle of needonomics by the stakeholders: Prof. M.M. Goel

GG News Bureau

Kurukshetra, 17th Nov. “ We must understand that socio-economic problems in Brazil are the by-product of greed and calls for adopting Gita-based principle of needonomics by the stakeholders requiring needo-wealth, needo-health, and needo-happiness ”, justified Prof. Madan Mohan Goel, Former Vice-Chancellor known as propounder Needonomics School of Thought superannuated from Department of Economics Kurukshetra University. He was addressing the participants of the webinar on the topic “Relevance of Needonomics for Brazil” organized by the Global Edu Leaders Forum (GEL) . Dr Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto global coordinator GEL presided over the webinar. Shri S.K. Singh Founder & Chairman delivered the welcome address and presented a citation on the achievements of Prof. M.M. Goel. President- GEL Srilanka Ms. Panthea graced the occasion with her online presence.

The challenges of Brazil include high inflation, income inequality, and a large informal economy that has to improve its infrastructure and education system for sustainable economic growth, believes Prof. Goel.

He believes that Bharat is ahead of Brazil in many ways including timings 8 hours 30 minutes, 5th and 9th largest economy of the world.

Bharat can support and cooperate with the upbringing of the Brazilian economy in several ways with the wisdom of Needonomics, told Prof Goel

Brazilians have to understand and adopt needo-consumption, needo-saving, needo-production, needo-investment, needo-distribution, altruism, needo-trade (export), explained Prof. Goel.

He justified the Needonomics School of Thought as an investment in innovation for all times to come in Brazil as an innovative, creative, and unique strategy for sustainable development in the digitally smart world.

For needo-altruism to help others in need, we must make efforts to earn more than the total expenditure and become the means of helping others to help themselves, said Prof. Goel.

To create demand for goods and services, there is a strong case for adopting the NAW (Need, Affordability, and Worth) approach to international marketing, believes Prof. Goel.

All challenges and worldly problems in Brazil call for a spiritually guided materialism (SGM) strategy, said Prof. Goel.

We have to address illness in the behavior of all the stakeholders as consumers, producers, distributors, traders, policymakers, and politicians, said Prof. Goel.

We must become street SMART( simple, moral, action-oriented, responsive & transparent ) with Needonomics as a common sense approach to be adopted in totality and not as piecemeal lip service towards the Gita-based principle of Bharat, believes Prof. Goel.

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