The demise of life on Earth will indeed result from a nuke war

*Paromita Das


With the detonation of two nuclear bombs in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, human civilization approached the modern era. Approximately 2.14 million people were instantly killed in Japan as a result of the US’s nuclear bombing in 1945. The bombing’s fury didn’t stop there; it was discovered that those who survived it developed leukaemia, cancer, or other diseases from the radiation and eventually passed away slowly.


The explosive yield of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was 15 and 20 kilotons of dynamite, respectively. When compared to contemporary nuclear weapons, these used warheads are compared to low-yield explosives. The thermonuclear weapons used in modern nuclear warfare by the US and Russia have an explosive yield of about 100 kilotons of dynamite. According to the Nuke Map, a single 100-kiloton nuclear weapon can instantly kill about 6 lakh people in any populated city. According to reports, the US and Russia each possess more than 5,428 nuclear weapons. According to a recent report, the ICE Age will return to earth as a result of a nuclear conflict between the US and Russia due to the bomb’s devastating effects.

Nuclear conflict will put an end to life on Earth


A thorough investigation led by climate scientists at Rutgers University suggests that a nuclear war will put an end to life on Earth. The social, economic, and environmental repercussions of a hypothetical nuclear conflict were examined in the research funded by the European Union.


According to the report, climate change brought on by nuclear war soot injection would lead to famine and global food insecurity. The explosion of a nuclear weapon would fill the atmosphere with explosive soot, disrupting the climate of the planet. It will further reduce the amount of food produced on land and in the oceans. Incomparably low levels of crop, marine fishing, and livestock production would result in a lack of food.

A severe food shortage would result from the altered climate brought on by the nuclear explosion. The production of fish and livestock would not be able to make up for the loss in crop output. Reduced food waste is one adaptation measure that would have little effect and ultimately lead to famine worldwide.


The report also predicted that more than 2 billion people would perish in a regional nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan and that more than 5 billion people could perish in a war between the United States and Russia.



Will the ICE Age arrive because of nuclear war?

The equilibrium of temperature and pressure on earth is thought to be the cause of life. The constant degassing and temperature balancing of the earth after the big bang explosion in space provided food, air, water, and energy for life.


Although the degassing of the earth helped to balance the atmospheric conditions in the early stabilisation process, because there was no heat, there was still no sign of life. The absence of greenhouse environments caused the temperature to drop, triggering an ice age. Life is only possible on earth because of the ability of carbon dioxide to absorb heat.


Similar to this, the earth’s heat balance would suffer if nuclear detonation soot were to remain in the atmosphere for an extended period of time. The sky would be covered in a thick layer of dark amorphous carbon that would prevent the sun’s radiation from being absorbed, resulting in an unprecedented drop in temperature. In the end, the drop in temperature would result in widespread glaciations and the return of the ice age.


Ergo, a nuclear conflict between the US and Russia would not only have an impact on food production but would also result in the return of the Ice Age. The earth will be completely destroyed by the temperature drop, which will also have an impact on global food security. Any nuclear war will result in the extinction of life on Earth.

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