The simple solution to our problems caused by Greedonomics in present times lies in Gita-based needonomics with needo-consumption: Prof. M. M. Goel

GG News Bureau

Karnal, 14th Oct., “The simple solution of our problems caused by Greedonomics ( economics of greed) in present times lies in Gita-based needonomics  with needo-consumption as judicious and mindful,” believes Prof. M. M. Goel, Former Vice-Chancellor known as Propounder Needonomics School of Thought superannuated from Department of Economics Kurukshetra University.

He was speaking on the topic “Relevance of Needonomics School of Thought in Present Times” in the monthly meeting of the Rotary Club Mid Town here yesterday night. Rtn Ramandeep Singh President of the club presided over the function. Rtn Anil Gupta Secretary of the club  delivered the welcome address. Ms Kiran Chadha presented a citation on the achievements of Prof. M.M. Goel. Mrs Aruna Goel and Dr Mayank Goel were present on the occasion.

Spirituality and materialism are complimentary and justifies spiritually guided materialism strategy flowing from Gita authenticated in sloka 22 of chapter 09, told Prof. Goel.

 The potential middle-class consumers with needo-consumption have the responsibility to uplift producers with needo-production and vice versa, said Prof. Goel.

An economy can be people-friendly and socially beneficial only if undertaken in accordance with the NAW approach of needo-marketing by creating a need for the product, making it affordable and price worth of the goods, told Prof. Goel.

We need to become street SMART (simple, moral, action-oriented, responsive, and transparent) as consumers, producers, distributors, and traders along with needonomics in the present economic scenario of materialism and consumerism, explained Prof. Goel.

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