UN report warns growing violence against children, calls for protective measures in Sudan

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau
The new UN report on Wednesday has revealed that the conflict in Sudan has led to a horrifying surge in violence against children, underscored the need for urgent and tangible protection measures.

The report on Children and Armed Conflict in Sudan, released documented a staggering 2,168 grave violations against 1,913 children in 2022 and 2023 a significant increase compared to the previous reporting period.

The report said that the most prevalent violations included killing and maiming (1,525 cases), recruitment and use of children in combat (277 cases), and sexual violence (153 cases). In addition, 33 children were abducted, 118 schools and hospitals attacked, and there were 62 incidents of denial of humanitarian access to children in need.

The situation worsened dramatically after the outbreak of hostilities between Sudanese Armed Forces  and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in April year.

Virginia Gamba, Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, expressed her horror at the violence.

“I am appalled at the level of violence affecting children, the widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure, including schools and medical facilities and the lack of effective efforts of parties to the conflict to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance to suffering populations, including children,” she said.

“I urge all parties to immediately commit to a durable cessation of hostilities. The future of children in the Sudan depends on it.”

The humanitarian crisis in Sudan has reached catastrophic levels, with 14 million children in dire need of aid and protection.

The report noted that starvation and an imminent risk of famine loom large as humanitarian efforts face significant obstructions.

It said that 19 million children are out of school, and many lack access to basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, electricity, education and healthcare.

The report noted that the termination of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan and the departure of its dedicated child protection staff have exacerbated the crisis, reducing the capacity to monitor and report on grave violations against children.

The loss hampers engagement with the parties to the conflict and efforts to address child protection needs effectively.

There had been some progress through a 2021 roadmap that had led to the development of a national framework for the release and reintegration of children before the April 2023 escalation.

UN has maintained its engagement with all warring parties despite the challenges and the ongoing hostilities.

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