UNICEF appeals funds to save millions of children in Turkiye

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 7th April. UN Children’s Fund on Thursday warned that over 2.5 million children in Türkiye remain in need of humanitarian support and are at risk of falling into poverty, child labour or under-age marriage after 2 months of devastating earthquakes hit Türkiye and northern Syria.

UNICEF Representative in Türkiye, Regina De Dominicis, said that the humanitarian response to the disaster was swift, “immediate futures of millions of children remain uncertain”.

She noted that to cover the most pressing needs, UNICEF has reached over 390,000 people with hygiene kits, winter clothes, electrical heaters and blankets.

The agency has delivered water to thousands while damaged supply networks are repaired.

UNICEF has been supporting Türkiye’s authorities with the provision of vaccines including for polio, diphtheria and tetanus, as well as medical equipment and supplies.

The agency has been working with partners to assist with family reunification and has reached more than 149,000 children and caregivers with psychosocial support.

UNICEF stressed that “these efforts must continue and child protection services must be maintained without interruption”.

According to UNICEF, the quakes impacted 4 million schoolchildren in Türkiye.

Some 1.5 million have resumed their education in affected areas, and 250,000 have been able to continue their education after relocating within the country, many others risk being left behind.

UNICEF is financing the repair of 1,170 schools, which will benefit over 300,000 children, and supporting the Ministry of Education with temporary classrooms in prefabricated structures and tents.

The agency is providing catch-up classes and help with homework in 37 hubs dedicated to child, adolescent and family support across 10 provinces.

UNICEF in Türkiye is appealing for $138 million funds to assist children affected by the earthquakes and called on the international community to ensure their needs are prioritized.

UNICEF reiterated that longer-term assistance to children and their families is urgently required, so that people can “recover and begin to rebuild their lives”.

“More support is vital to ensure children are protected and their needs are met as a central part of the recovery,” Ms. De Dominicis said, so that the disaster does not continue impacting their lives for decades to come, she concluded.

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