UNICEF calls for urgent action in eastern DR Congo to save children

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau
UNITED NATIONS, 14th May. UNICEF Deputy Director Ted Chaiban on Monday appealed for urgent action to support diplomatic and long-term solutions to address the conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

He concluded a five-day visit to the DRC has noted that fighting has reached new heights and created the worst humanitarian crisis there since 2003.

Ted Chaiban highlighted growing concerns for safeguarding children’s rights and protection of civilians as the situation worsens.

“Children are being killed, maimed, abducted, and recruited by armed groups with verified grave violations the highest-ever; their rights to education and a safe childhood have been shattered,” he said.

UNICEF warned that the all-time high of 7.2 million internally displaced persons in eastern DRC could further spiral as armed groups take control of ever more territory, and as fighting spreads.

These developments are occurring at the same time as the UN peacekeeping mission, begins to depart from the country.

“We are seeing growing numbers of children killed and wounded with the recent shift to the use of heavier and sophisticated arms,” Mr. Chaiban said.

He he met with Congolese authorities and visited sites hosting thousands of displaced families.

“The only way to reduce this suffering is to double down on efforts by regional actors and the international community to negotiate a political solution to the conflict, including the Luanda process, Nairobi dialogue and other diplomatic efforts,” he added.

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