UNICEF says children needs immediate support in South Sudan

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 07th Nov. UNICEF on Monday said that children in Sudan need immediate support from the international community to prevent the “another forgotten humanitarian catastrophe “.

The agency in a statement said that the civil war between rival militaries going on for  200th day, children “continue to pay the highest price for a crisis not of their making – increasingly with their own lives”.

There are more children displaced than anywhere in the world, with 3 million fleeing the fighting between Government and rival militia forces, mostly within Sudan.

Hundreds of thousands are sheltering in make-shift camps in neighbouring countries.

“Some 14 million children in Sudan are in urgent need of life-saving humanitarian assistance”, the agency said.

“Many of them are living in a state of perpetual fear – fear of being killed, injured, recruited or used by armed actors.”

The reports of conflict-related sexual violence, including rape, are rampant, with fighting only intensifying in recent weeks in places like Khartoum, Darfur, and Kordofans.

UNICEF has received allegations of over 3,100 severe violations, including the killing and maiming of children.

 “Meanwhile, none of Sudan’s children have been able to return to school, with the future of an entire generation now hanging in the balance. A staggering 19 million children in Sudan are unable to return to classrooms.

UNICEF and partners are providing life-saving assistance to millions of children inside Sudan and in neighboring countries, including water, health, nutrition, safe spaces and learning. But needs are outpacing resources.

“We need safe and unhindered humanitarian access to deliver life-saving supplies and services to reach every child in need,” it added

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