UNRWA work in Lebanon will end by March, cites funding cut

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau
 UNRWA Director in Lebanon Dorothee Klaus on Tuesday said that the cancer patients, young students and families are 250,000 Palestinians 80 per cent living under the poverty line who could lose access to lifesaving services in Lebanon by March after funding cuts.

“The agency will no longer have funding as of the end of February, so that means our operations would come to a halt during March,” said Dorothee Klaus, described the “severe impact” of fresh budget cuts.

The funding crisis is a result of Israel’s serious allegations that a dozen agency staff were involved in the 7 October attacks that left 1,200 Israelis dead and 250 taken hostage.

United States and Germany among other donors suspended funding to the agency pending the UN’s investigation into the matter.

UNRWA employs 30,000 staff that serve almost six million Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon

The agency operates in Lebanon like government services would reached a quarter of a million Palestinians with such essentials as education, healthcare and garbage collection in some of the refugee camps, where over 100,000 Palestinians live.

“There is nobody capable to take over these services,” Ms. Klaus said.

UNRWA in Lebanon employs 3,500 staff which contributes to the incomes of an estimated 10 to 15 per cent of the Palestine refugee population that is relying directly on the investments that UNRWA makes in the country, a total that amounts to, on average, about $180 million every year.

UN agency provides cash assistance to 65 per cent of Palestine refugees, which has enabled the agency to bring down poverty from a staggering 93 per cent to currently 80 per cent.

Some 200,000 Palestine refugees visit agency health centres on an annual basis for services ranging from basic medication to first-response measures for children that need to be immunized, pregnant and lactating women and for the many patients with non-communicable and chronic diseases that are supplied with vital medicines.

“Given very high poverty rates, hospitalization would most likely have to be deferred by Palestine refugees because they’re unable to cover the costs, and this also includes 600 cancer patients which rely on UNWRA co-funding,” she said.

Ms. Klaus said the agency has seen an increase in the mortality among cancer patients unable to afford vital medication, making a decision last year to increase the co-funding proportion of UNWRA for that matter.

“They have no other place to go,” Ms. Klaus added.

She said that if education facilities are closed, 38,000 children in grades one to 12 would be unable to continue their schooling.

Ms. Klaus explained that Lebanese Government cannot take up that task, emphasized that its overcrowded classrooms could not handle the influx of new students and are already being used to teach Syrian refugees.

She said without funding, “all that would fall away”. “There is no other actor that has the resources and is capable to step in, given that UNRWA operates like government

UNRWA has maintained all of its core services since the outbreak of war in Gaza and amid escalating tensions on Lebanon’s southern border.

We have enacted a contingency plan; we have prepared 12 of our schools to potentially host displaced persons that have no other place to go, and we have made provisions in terms of pre-positioning food and medical supplies,” she said.

The agency has provided chronic patients with two months of supplies in advance.

Operational centres were established across the country to be able to continue providing services under all circumstances, in parallel with operations over the past months.

She said prioritizing needs will be difficult in the face of budget cuts.

“Any reflections on what would be more essential than something else would put us into very, very difficult decision making,” she added.

“The questions would be: Do we keep the children in school or do we have 600 cancer patients potentially dying? Do we close health centres that immunize newborn babies? Do we not collect the garbage?”

“All of this is indispensable,” she concluded.

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