UNSG calls 2024 Paris Olympic Games to focus on SDGs   

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau
UN chief Antonio Guterres on Thursday called to celebrate the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics Games as a vector for positive change and sustainable development.

He said in a video message to the Summit on Sport for Sustainable Development “Sport transcends borders, unites people and inspires us to act for a better world”.

Guterres called on athletes and officials “lead by example by” placing SDGs at the heart of its activities through investments in education and economic and social inclusion programs, particularly in developing countries.

He urged them to promote gender equality, energy efficiency and respect for the planet.

Guterres highlighted “Together, let’s team up for a fairer, healthier, and more sustainable world,” .

WHO said it is joining Paris Olympics, supporting the International Olympic Committee and France to help make the world’s leading sport spectacle healthy and safe for spectators and athletes alike.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General highlighted “From promoting physical activity to protecting people from a range of health threats, WHO has been proud to play its part in making the Paris Olympics a success”.

WHO and the International Olympic Committee have launched the “Let’s Move” physical activity promotion campaign, leveraging the power of sport, and the platform of the Olympics, to motivate sports stars and the global public to move for better health.

French Government has introduced a programme of 30 minutes of daily physical activity for school students in France to ensure a lasting, healthy legacy is left from the Paris Olympics.

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