Vishva Hindu Parishad Protests Against Brutal Killings of Hindus by Jihadis in Delhi

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 21st Jan. Vishva Hindu Parishad Bajrang Dal against the brutal murder of Hira Singh of Gujarati society and grievous injury of Narsingh by Islamic Jihadi Mohammad Irfan and his associates in Sultanpuri area of outer Delhi on Monday evening.

Addressing the gathering, Ashok Gupta, Co-Minister of Vishwa Hindu Parishad Delhi Province, said that Hindus are constantly being attacked by Islamic Jihadis in the National Capital Delhi. They easily escape after committing ruthless killings and mob lynchings with gunshots and knives and the local police and administration keep watching the spectacle as mute spectators. Many Hindu daughters have also surrendered to these jihadis.

This Sultanpuri case is an amalgam of all kinds of incidents. Jihadis first threaten, then rape and defying the law do not only challenge to destroy the whole family but also carry it out easily. But the police administration and the government of Delhi pay no heed to the requests of family members. Hira could have been saved if the culprit had been caught in time and the family had been helped.

Vishwa Hindu Parishad demands that the murderer and his associates should be hanged without delay, by trial in a fast track court. They urged to provide security and proper compensation to the victim’s daughter and the family of the deceased Heera.

In this protest meeting, which started at 11:00 am, apart from Provincial Co-Minister Ashok Gupta, Bajrang Dal State Cow protection chief Jagjit Singh Goldy, Department Minister Totaram, Department Co-Minister Prem Vashisht, Department Campaigner Subodh Ji and National co-worker of the Swayamsevak Sangh Dinesh ji, the department, also paid tribute to the departed soul and assured the relatives for justice.

After the meeting, the Hindu society along with the relatives marched till the Sultanpuri police station.

The relatives of the victim present on the stage also expressed their anguish and demanded justice.

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