WHO marks International Childhood Cancer Day

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau
World health agency on Thursday marked the International Childhood Cancer Day, said parents, family doctors and paediatricians play a vital role in early detection.

WHO noted over 1,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every day globally.

The agency said that medical advances have boosted chances of survival in high-income countries, where over 80 per cent of children diagnosed will survive.

Only 20 per cent of kids diagnosed will survive in some low and middle-income countries.

WHO launched the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer in 2018 and its main goal is to reduce that survival gap by 2030.

It aims to ensure that 60 per cent of children with cancer worldwide will survive their diagnosis.

WHO said reaching this goal depends on strengthening health systems so that primary health providers – including parents can spot the early signs of childhood cancer.

The agency said that referral systems can provide specialized care is another important factor.

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